Confession of a former side-chick

So, first post will be a re blog cos I meeaaann who has time right? But also, it’s cos I think every girl needs to read this and learn to own their heart, sexuality and mostly their emotions.

Khaya Dlanga's life on the "internets". All on one blog.

I got this email from someone who was one, and I appreciate the honesty about it all. I have been given permission to publish.

2009. I was 18. Vibrant, spunky, outgoing. I had just settled in a new town. A new academic venture had just begun – tertiary level.

The first day of lectures, I laid my eyes on who was going to fast become my best friend. She was dark, slim, taller than average. Most interestingly, she looked foreign. Just like me! For 3 sessions per week for the following month, we always made eye contact in class. One day, I finally approached her and asked for her name. It was Vivian*. She had a nice smile. We had a very chatty introduction. The outcome was her inviting me to her hostel room. We ended up laying on the bed and talking for the next 5 hours straight. By…

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